Odontophobia How to overcome it?

People often talk about dental phobia, whether it is a slight fear or panic about a visit to the dentist.

Dental phobia is real and should be taken seriously. Unfortunately, some people are so nervous that they avoid going to the dentist. Later, they arrive with severe dental problems, which may require multiple visits to correct.

Approximately 5 to 10 percent of the population suffers from dental phobia, but 40 to 75 percent of people experience dental-related fear and anxiety that contributes to postponing and canceling appointments, or avoiding going to the dentist.
If you feel nervous about going to the dentist, in the following article we show you some interesting facts about Odontophobia.

Curiosities about Odontophobia

  • Dental phobia can sometimes be related to embarrassment. A study by the National Institute of Health found that people with dental phobia often also experience embarrassment. Sometimes this is rooted in a history or experience at the dentist's office, but in other cases, it stems from a fear of pain, fear of being trapped or the feeling that your personal space is being invaded.
  • The clinical name is odontophobia . It is one of the diagnosed phobia "is a persistent, unrealistic and intense fear of a specific stimulus, leading to complete avoidance of the perceived danger".
  • People with dental phobia are more likely to have cavities. This fact is probably less surprising. After all, people with dental phobia may not see a dentist for many years. But a study published in 2017 confirmed this assumption. In this study we can also see that people with poor oral health are often less likely to smile and may suffer from low self-esteem due to their dental problems.

Treatment of dental phobia and anxiety

Regardless of the level of anxiety you feel about going to the dentist, whether it is a low level of anxiety or a full-blown phobia, there are treatments to help you get through a visit to the dentist, and not all of them require the use of medication.

The American Psychological Association reported a success story with a woman who had not seen a dentist in 15 years. During her first two visits, she could not sit in the dentist's chair. But after developing coping strategies and gradually addressing her fears, she is now able to sit down for a dental cleaning or treatment every six months.
Some of the coping techniques used are deep breathing, listening to music and raising your hand when you need the dentist or hygienist to give you a break.

While resorting to sedatives or anesthetics is also an option for people with this fear to go to the dentist, those who choose that route often still feel their anxiety about the dentist; they rely on anesthesia to "overcome" it. Those who find ways to cope more often than not come to overcome their fears.
Whatever your level of anxiety, our goal is to put you at ease so you can maintain a healthy and beautiful smile. The best way to end your fears is to face them and gradually reduce your anxiety.

Put yourself in contact with us and book your appointment for a check-up. Our team of experts will be happy to help you with everything you need and advise you to find the best solution for your needs. dental treatment for your smile.
