Teeth in infants

If you have children, you've probably noticed how fast they grow up. Each phase in the development of children is a little headache that puts parents to the test. In this article we are going to focus on babies' teeth so that you can learn, if you are new to this subject, when the first teeth appear, the typical discomforts and the basic care to keep your child's teeth healthy.

At what age do babies get their first teeth?

A baby's first teeth, also known as "baby teeth" or "primary teeth", usually begin to appear between 4 and 12 months of age, with the most common eruption starting at 6 months of age. The fact that this phase is delayed or delayed does not necessarily mean that there is a dental health problem. 

The first tooth to erupt is usually the lower central incisor, followed by the upper central incisor and the other incisors on both sides. After that, the molars, canines and the rest of the teeth of the jaw and the upper part of the mouth begin to appear.

4 typical discomforts 

The following are the typical discomforts that occur when teething begins:

1.Irritation of the gums.

It is one of the most common symptoms. During the eruption process, teeth emerge through the gums, which can cause redness, swelling and even pain. If your baby starts biting on soft objects or presses his gums with his fingers, he is most likely trying to relieve the pain.


Due to the irritation of the gums, saliva production increases and thus the baby drools much more than usual. To avoid irritation, wipe and dry your baby's face regularly.

3. Change in eating habits.

Every time our mouth hurts, we find it difficult to eat normally. But this does not only happen to adults. Babies may feel uncomfortable sucking or chewing due to irritation of the gums, even rejecting breast milk. One tip would be to increase the frequency of feedings or change the texture of foods.

4. Sleep and behavioral changes

Your baby's sleeping habits may be disturbed by mouth sores. It is common for them to wake up often during the night or have difficulty falling asleep. In addition, they may be more irritable, cry more than usual or require more attention.

It is important to remember that these symptoms are usually temporary and can be alleviated with some specific care such as, for example, the application of special gum gels or creams, biting a cold object or the use of children's painkillers. All this under the supervision of a pediatrician or a specialist dentist.

Recommended care for infants' teeth

It is important to start taking care of baby teeth as soon as they come in, even before they are fully visible, as this helps prevent future dental problems in the baby. How to do it? By brushing teeth once they have appeared, using fluoride-free toothpaste. It is also advisable to avoid sugary drinks or sticky foods.

After the first baby tooth erupts, it is recommended to take your baby for his or her first dental visit to the dentist to assess dental development and receive advice on age-appropriate dental care. With proper dental care, baby teeth can last until the child reaches the age of 12, at which time they will begin to fall out and be replaced by permanent teeth.

Here are some useful tips for the care of your baby's teeth:

  • Clean your baby's gums with a wet gauze after each feeding even if he does not have teeth yet.
  • Avoid sugary foods and drinks. Breast milk is ideal for babies' dental health because it is low in sugar and helps prevent cavities.
  • As soon as the first tooth appears, start brushing it with a soft toothbrush.
  • Supervise brushing until your child can do it alone.
  • Limit prolonged use of pacifiers and bottles to avoid the development of future cavities.
  • Make regular visits to the dentist with your baby to make sure his or her teeth are growing properly.
  • Make sure your child eats a balanced diet with low amounts of sugar.

Remember that dental care is important for overall health, so don't forget to pay attention to your baby's dental health.

In the B & J Dental Clinic we have dentists specialized in pediatric dentistry who are personally involved in monitoring the health of the teeth of infants, children and teenagers in the Horseshoe y GabiasVisit us and get to know all our treatments!
