What are the names of the teeth?

Did you know that teeth are the hardest part of the human body? Not only are they used for chewing, but they are also very important for correct pronunciation.

The average adult mouth has 32 teeth, which have generally erupted completely by the age of 12. Wisdom teeth (also known as third molars) are the only exceptions to this rule, and may be impacted or partially erupted (or remain completely unerupted) for many years.

In the following article we will tell you the name of all the teeth, as well as their functions and the parts that make them up.

Teeth - Names

  • Incisors: Incisors are the first teeth to erupt after the primary or baby teeth. They form the largest part of your smile, so it is important to take care of them.
    The incisors are the front teeth that we use to bite and cut food. They are located between the two rows of upper and lower teeth, on both sides of the mouth.
    In our mouth we can find 8 incisors. The upper set consists of four teeth: two at the top (the central incisor) and two at the bottom (the lateral incisors). The lower set also has four: two central incisors and two lateral incisors.
    They are thin and narrow teeth.
  • Canines: Canines are the human teeth most similar to those of a predator, such as a tiger or a wolf.
    The canine tooth is the longest and strongest tooth in the mouth. They are also called "eye teeth". This is because they resemble eyes in shape and placement.
    While carnivorous animals have three, or even 4 canine teeth in some cases, humans have only two. The canine teeth are located behind the incisors and on both sides of the cheekbones. They serve to tear meat during feeding.
    Animals use these teeth to defend themselves against predators (including other members of their own species). This makes them an important part of survival.
  • Premolars: Premolars are teeth located between the canines and molars. There are eight premolars in total: four are placed at the top and are called maxillary and four lower ones are commonly known as mandibular.
  • Molars: The molars are the teeth that are usually associated with chewing. They are also the most important, because they keep the jaw strong and healthy, and can help prevent tooth decay. caries Like the premolars, 8 can be found throughout the oral cavity; 4 in the upper part and 4 in the lower part.
  • Wisdom teeth or wisdom teeth: Wisdom teeth, third molars or wisdom teeth: These are the last teeth to erupt and do so around the age of 18, although some people may be lucky enough to have them erupt later.The four wisdom teeth are located in the back of the mouth, on each side of the jaw. They are usually problematic because they are either impacted (cannot grow in at all) or are extra teeth that do not fit in the mouth. The roots of wisdom teeth can affect nearby teeth and cause infection and pain if left untreated.
    Most people have room for wisdom teeth, but sometimes they do not fully erupt from the gum tissue. When this happens, it is called an impacted tooth. Impacted wisdom teeth are usually removed by a dentist or oral surgeon before they cause any problems or damage other tooth structure in the mouth.

Did you know the number and name of all the teeth in your mouth? We hope this article has helped you.
Remember that if you have any questions or doubts, you can contact our dental clinic and we will be happy to answer you.
