When to floss?

Although most people think that the best time to floss is before bedtime, it is a question that is open to debate.
When is it best to use it, before or after brushing?
In B & J dental clinic we show you a series of reasons about both techniques so that you can choose the most appropriate one.

Importance of flossing

Before we begin to discuss when it is best to floss, it is important to explain why flossing is so beneficial to our health. oral hygiene.
From our dental clinic, we note the importance of flossing every day. It is one of the most effective tools we have to keep our teeth healthy and strong. It can help prevent cavities, gum disease and other dental problems that may arise later on.

Flossing doesn't just keep your teeth clean between brushings: it also helps you fight plaque buildup on your teeth while you brush. Plaque is a sticky film that forms on our teeth throughout the day from food particles and bacteria in our mouth. Plaque causes cavities when it reacts with the acid in saliva and produces harmful acids that eat away at the enamel, the outer layer of teeth that protects them from decay. caries.

Advantages of flossing after brushing

Many people think that flossing after brushing is best. There is a logic to following this order.
Dental floss is used to remove all the plaque that the toothbrush has not been able to remove, so using it after brushing our teeth will help us to eliminate it completely.
Despite this, it is also possible to find advantages and arguments in favor of carrying out the cleaning in the opposite order.

Advantages of flossing before brushing

The use of dental floss before brushing is a very effective action against plaque. It is a deep cleaning that will be completed with brushing.

Flossing is one of the most important steps you can take in your oral health routine. It removes plaque from the areas between your teeth and below the gum line where your toothbrush can't reach. This includes food particles, bacteria and other materials that can cause cavities or gum disease if left in place. Flossing also helps prevent gingivitis, a disease that causes gum inflammation and bleeding.

Flossing is easy once you get used to it, but it's important to make sure you use the right type of floss. Waxed floss is best because it slides easily between teeth without breaking or fraying. Plus, it has an antibacterial coating that helps fight germs in your mouth.

In short, the timing of flossing is not important, as it will still perform its function.
There are valid arguments for flossing before or after brushing, but remember that the best time of day is before going to bed, to help remove plaque and food debris that the toothbrush has not been able to remove.

If you have any questions about its use or which one might be best for you, please do not hesitate to contact our clinic. We will solve all your doubts.